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Image by Mojtaba Hoseini
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Advogados especialistas em causas criminais em execução penal

Quando é necessário ir em uma delegacia ou ter uma defesa criminal não é um momento fácil. Sabemos bem pelo que você está passando. E por isso, para não passar por este problema sozinho, entre em contato agora mesmo com nossos advogados.


Lawyers specializing in Criminal Law

Monitoring at the police station

Flagrant, interrogation, custody hearing

  • Flagrant moments that just happened

  • Custody hearing, when the arrest will be analyzed, whether it will continue or not and whether the rights of the person who was arrested has been observed

  • Testimonials/interrogations

  • The initial moments are very important, the better you can count on our experts.


Freedom requests

Habeas Corpus, Jail Revocation, Jail Relaxation, Probationary Release, Non-Detention Measure

  • Time when it will be possible to seek freedom

  • It takes a lot of technique to know how to deal with these moments

Defense in the process

Hearings, closing arguments, jury plenary, appeals

  • Full performance from start to appeal phase


Conheça o Sócio coordenador da área criminal

O Dr. Fellype Ribeiro é Criminalista com mais de 8 anos de experiência prática, com conhecimento técnico e estratégico em processual penal para fazer uma defesa específica para cada caso.

Já atuou em diversos casos envolvendo:

  • violência doméstica;

  • tráfico de drogas;

  • operações envolvendo fraudes, estelionato, crime informático, uso de documento falso, falsidade ideológica, lavagem de dinheiro e organização criminosa;

  • crimes contra honra;

  • tribunal do Júri.

Our differences


WhatsApp Communication Group

Get quick and easy access to our team of lawyers and specialists, ready to respond to your queries and urgent needs.

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We have people serving people. The progress is informed and explained by specialist lawyers, without having to talk to robots and automated attendants.


Quality and


Our lawyers take care of the details. Each written application is reviewed by several experts, reducing the incidence of human error and increasing the chances of success.




Easy negotiation with our attendants. The important thing is to serve efficiently, taking the best solution for the client's case, with a proposal that fits their budget.

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RibeiroVeil Advogados

Qd 06, Cj A, bloco E, sala 1303, complexo Brasil 21 Brasília/DF, CEP: 70316902

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